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Britain will hold a referendum on Thursday on whether the country will leave the European Union, a process often referred to as “Brexit.”英国将于周四就是否退出欧盟举行公投,这一程序常被称为“Brexit”。

What is Britaindeciding?1


Britain will hold a referendum on Thursday on whether the country will leave the European Union, a process often referred to as “Brexit.”英国将于周四就是否退出欧盟举行公投,这一程序常被称为“Brexit”。

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Why did campaigningstop?2


Early Thursday, a member of Parliament, Jo Cox, 41, was gunned downoutside a library in her district in Birstall, England. With the referendum days away, campaigning was suspended as a gesture of respect.


Ms. Cox was a strong backer of Britain’s remaining inside the bloc. When the suspect in her killing, Thomas Mair, was asked his name in court, he answered, “My name is death to traitors, freedom for Britain.”
考克斯强烈支持英国留在欧盟。在法庭上被问及姓名时,本案嫌疑人托马斯·迈尔(Thomas Mair)回答说,“我的名字叫‘叛国者死,给不列颠自由’。”

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The reasons for and against3


Those who favor leaving argue that the European Union has changed enormously over the last four decades with regard to the size and the reach of its bureaucracy, diminishing British influence and sovereignty.


Those who want to stay say that a medium-size island needs to be part of a larger bloc of like-minded countries to have real influence and security in the world, and that leaving would be economically costly.

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Who is arguing to stay,and who to go?4


REMAIN Prime Minister David Cameron leads the “Remain” camp, and he could lose his job if his effort fails. Behind him are most of the Conservative government he leads, the Labour Party, the Liberal Democrats and the Scottish National Party, which is strongly pro-Europe.

留下 “留下”阵营的领导人是英国首相戴维·卡梅伦(David Cameron)。如果行动失败,他可能会丢掉自己的工作。在他的身后,是他领导的保守派政府大部、工党(Labour Party)、自由民主党(Liberal Democrats)和力挺欧洲的苏格兰民族党(Scottish National Party)。

Most independent economists and large businesses favor staying in, as do the most recent heads of Britain’s intelligence services. President Obama, Chancellor Angela Merkel of Germany and President Xi Jinping of China also want Britain to stay in.
大部分独立经济专家和大企业,以及近年的英国情报机构负责人也支持留下。奥巴马总统、德国总理安格拉·默克尔(Angela Merkel)和中国国家主席习近平也希望英国留在欧盟。

LEAVE The “Leave” camp is led by Michael Gove, the justice minister, and Boris Johnson, the former mayor of London. Nearly half the Conservative members of Parliament favor leaving, as do the members of the U.K. Independence Party, or UKIP, and its leader, Nigel Farage. Their main issues are sovereignty and immigration.
退出 “退出”阵营由英国司法大臣迈克尔·戈夫(Michael Gove)和前伦敦市长鲍里斯·约翰逊(Boris Johnson)领导。议会近半数保守派下议员和英国独立党(U.K. Independence Party,简称UKIP)成员及其领袖奈杰尔·法拉奇(Nigel Farage)支持退出欧盟。他们的主要问题是主权和移民。

Abroad, the French National Front leader, Marine Le Pen, favors Brexit, as do other anti-Europe parties in Germany, the Netherlands and elsewhere.
在国外,法国国民阵线(National Front)领导人马琳·勒庞(Marine Le Pen),以及德国和荷兰等国的其他反欧洲政党支持英国退出欧盟。

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What is thehistory?5


The European Union began in 1951 as the European Coal and Steel Community, an effort by six nations to heal the fissures of World War II through duty-free trade. In 1957, the Treaty of Rome created the European Economic Community, or Common Market.

欧盟的前身是六国在1951年成立的欧洲煤钢共同体(European Coal and Steel Community),当时是想通过免税贸易来弥合二战造成的裂痕。1957年,根据《罗马条约》(Treaty of Rome)规定成立欧洲经济共同体(European Economic Community),又叫共同市场(Common Market)。

Britain tried to join later, but President Charles de Gaulle of France vetoed its application in 1963 and in 1967. Britain finally joined in 1973.
随后,英国试图加入,但法国总统夏尔·戴高乐(Charles de Gaulle)在1963年和1967年两度否决英国的申请。1973年,英国加入。

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Has a vote like thishappened before?6


Yes. A referendum was held in 1975, two years after Britain joined the European Economic Community, on whether it should stay. More than 67 percent of Britons voted in favor.


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What impact would an exit haveon Britain’s economy?7


This is an essential and divisive question. The economic effect of an exitwould depend on what settlement was negotiated, especially on whether Britain would retain access to the single market for duty-free trade and financial services. But that would probably require accepting freedom of movement and labor for European Union citizens, which is one of the main complaints the “Leave” camp has about bloc membership.


Most economists favor remaining in the bloc and say an exit would cut growth, weaken the pound and hurt the City of London, Britain’s financial center. Even economists who favor an exit say growth would be affected in the short and medium terms, though they also say Britain would be better off by 2030.

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Why are they voting now?8


It has to do with a decades-long rift in the governing Conservative Party. A vocal minority has demanded that Britain leave the European Union since the time of Margaret Thatcher. That minority grew in opposition during the Tony Blair years, and views on Europe have become a litmus test for Tory candidates, because grass-roots Conservatives tend to favor a British exit.

这关系到执政党保守党内存在数十年的分歧。自玛格丽特·撒切尔(Margaret Thatcher)时代开始就有少数派大声疾呼,要求英国退出欧盟。在托尼·布莱尔(Tony Blair)执政时期,少数派的反对立场更加鲜明,对欧盟的看法已成为保守党候选人的试金石,因为草根保守党人倾向于赞成英国退欧。

To pacify his party and undermine the anti-European Union U.K. Independence Party, Mr. Cameron promised to hold the referendum should he be re-elected prime minister. Nearly half of all Tory members of Parliament, including six cabinet ministers, now favor leaving the bloc.

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Who is involved invoting?9


British citizens 18 and older can vote, as can citizens abroad who have been registered to vote at home in the last 15 years. Also eligible are residents of Britain who are citizens of Ireland or of the Commonwealth, which consists of 53 countries, including Australia, Canada, India and South Africa.


Unlike in general elections, members of the House of Lords may vote, as can Commonwealth citizens in Gibraltar, a British overseas territory. Citizens of the European Union living in Britain cannot vote, unless they are citizens of Cyprus, Ireland or Malta.

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Why the unusual name?10


The referendum is often called Brexit, for British exit from the European Union. It is a variant of the label Grexit, invented during the Greek debt crisis (which, by the way, is not over).


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Will this vote befinal?11


Yes, at least for the foreseeable future. If Britons vote to leave, there will be an initial two-year negotiation with the European Union about the terms of the divorce, which is unlikely to be amicable.


The negotiation will decide Britain’s relationship with the bloc. The major issues would surround trade. If Britain wants to remain in the European Union’s common market — the world’s largest trading bloc, with 500 million people — Brussels is expected to exact a steep price, in particular to discourage other countries from leaving.

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What is likely to happen?12


As the campaign has progressed, the odds against Brexit have gradually become smaller. Betfair, a betting exchange, has “Remain” at 60 percent probability.


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